• Associação Nagai - Academia de Judô de Recife.

    Associação Nagai – Recife Judo Academy - Photo of the belt exam.

  • Associação Nagai - Primeiro dia de aula de Judô no Projeto Social Malacacheta, com Luiz Alberto Gama de Mendonça e Silvana Nagai.

    Associação Nagai - First day of Judo class at the Malacacheta Social Project, with Luiz Alberto Gama de Mendonça and Silvana Nagai.

Associação Nagai - Judo

Recife Academy and Rio de Janeiro Social Project

The Nagai Association is a traditional Martial Arts Academy, specialized in Judo, founded in 1971, in the city of Recife/PE by Sensei Tadao Nagai (9th Dan Judo), which in 2012 began its work in the social field, with the Malacacheta de Judo Social Project, in Complexo do Alemão/RJ.

The Malacacheta Social Project started from the alliance between the first Brazilian Pan-Amitricano Judo champion, Luiz Alberto Gama de Mendonça and the former Brazilian Judo champion, Silvana Nagai, Tadao's daughter.

The project that started with just 04 groups with less than 10 students each, soon reached 150 students and with the increase of classes, the need for formalization also increased, to seek new partnerships and in 2017, the Nagai Association constituted its NGO of the same name.

knowledgeable about the Malacacheta de Judo Social Project

From father to children

Silvana Nagai - Campeã brasielria de Jjudô e idealizadora do Projeto Malacacheta
Silvana Nagai

Brazilian Judo champion and creator of the Malacacheta Social Project


Sergio Nagai - Hexa-campeão brasieleiro de Judô Master
Sergio Nagai

Hexa-Brazilian champion Master of Judo


Silvio Nagai

Twice Brazilian Judo champion


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Malacacheta Social Project - Complexo do Alemão

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Associação Nagai
CNPJ: 28.729.198/0001-68
Banco Itaú || Agência 9144
Conta Corrente 27630-1

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+55 21 98856-5259